Riding Stables and Livery Yard
La Cala, Mijas Costa
Tel: (34) 634895560 / 951773611

General Riding Lessons
Available for children and adults.
We can cater from a complete beginner through to advanced riders. Learn to ride or improve your riding and we'll help you meet your goals as well as having fun and building your confidence around horses.
Lessons offered for 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour either on a private basis or for a small similar ability group. We provide horses and will choose them to suit your size, riding style and ability.
Lessons are held either in our main arena or in our covered arena depending on availability and the weather.
Prices per Person
30 mintues lesson. €27.50 per person
45 minutes lesson ... €33.00 per person
60 minutes lesson ... €37.50 per person

Dressage & Jumping Lessons
If you can already ride, then you are ready to progress to the next level.
Dressage is the basis for all other riding and we'll break down the basic moves from working on your seat through to your core balance and improving all elements of your trot and canter, taking your riding to the next level.
Our Jumping lessons start at the basic level of Poles, and then you progress on to 40cm, 60cm, 80cm and to 1m as your technique and confidence grows.
These lessons are only offered as privates and we provide horses and will choose them to suit your size, riding style and ability.
Lessons will be held in the main arena or moved to the covered arena depending on the weather conditions.
Price per Person
30 mintues lesson...€27.50 per person
45 minutes lesson... €33.00 per person
60 minutes lesson... €37.50 per person
We also offer a discount for block bookings
Pay for 10 in advance get 12
Pay for 5 in advance get 6

Specialised Lessons
For those wishing to sit the world wide recognised British Horse Society (BHS) exams we offer BHS training courses. These are run on demand so please register with us and we'll let you know when the next course will run.
Dressage and Jumping Clinics are held on an ad-hoc basis often taught by visiting instructors to the Mijas coast. If you are interested register with us and we'll contact you when one is scheduled.
Horse Care courses are ideal for those who are considering purchasing their own horse, people new to horse riding, for family members who don't ride but may offer to help with horse care and anyone who just wishes to learn more about horses. It covers the basics but will also help you to learn how to keep your horse healthy and signs to watch out for.
For all the above please contact us for details and prices.